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Item List

Fee Schedule

Digital X-ray Imaging 90

All Upper Cervical patients require specialized x-ray views of the top of the spine. These images are used to analyze the nature of your misalignment and determine the most appropriate treatment plan. If you had recent x-rays taken of the cervical spine, we can often request and utilize them. Sometimes certain views may need to be retaken if we cannot visualize certain aspects of the vertebrae or alignment.

Inital Assessment 85

Your comprehensive new patient assessment includes: Complete health history and examination, digital postural analysis, and customized care plan.

Office Visit (with MB Health) 46

Manitoba Health covers $10.00 towards each treatment for a total of 7 visits per calendar year

Office visit (without MB Health coverage) 56

For those who do not have a MB Health number or whose coverage is exhausted for the year, the full visit fee applies.

Progress Evaluation or Re-Examination 20

Approximately every 12 visits, a progress evaluation will be completed to monitor and track progress. As many things can change in life, a re-examination will be completed if you have not been to the office in 6 months or more.

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